Family Health Optima insurance from Health health insurance that gives protection to individual family member for a single premium under a single sum insured that covers all family members.
Minimum: 18 years and Maximum: 65 years of age at the time of entry (Infant can be covered from 16th day).
Applicable for renewal for the whole lifetime of the Insured individual.
On a Floater Basis the entire sum insured floats among all covered family (self, spouse and not exceeding 3 dependent children).
Special Features:
Recharge Benefit: When the sum insured is exhausted/ exceeded, it provides additional cover up to a certain limit.
400 Day Care procedures/Expenses for Health Check-up.
Covers expenses for new born Baby/ Domiciliary hospitalization.
Donor expenses against organ transplantation: Up to a limit of 10% of the Sum Insured or Rupees One lakh, whichever is less
Bonus: Bonus is given for a claim-free year subject to a certain limits.
Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured: Upon exhaustion of the limit of coverage during the policy period subject to the limits, the basic sum would be automatically restored. This restored sum insured may be utilized in the remaining policy period.
Policy Benefits:
Expenses including room rent, nursing and boarding charges during hospitalisation of the insured are covered for a maximum of 24 hours.
Fees of Anaesthetist, Surgeon, Medical Practitioner, Consultants and Specialist Fees, Anaesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, and Operation Theatre charges, Cost of Pacemaker, Cost of Medicine and drugs etc. are also taken for coverage.
For emergency transportation, ambulance charges up to a sum of Rs.750/- per hospitalization and overall limit of Rs.1500/- per policy period are covered
Pre Hospitalisation expenses up to 60 days prior to admission in the hospital.
Post Hospitalisation expenses up to 90 days after discharge from the hospital.